“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. Protect the rights of all who are helpless. Speak for them and be a righteous judge. Protect the rights of the poor and needy.”
🌱 Proverbs 31:8-9
There is a growing need for supports and services for families blessed with individuals with special needs worldwide. Approximately 14% of the total enrollment of students in the United States receive special education services and supports. One percent of the world’s population has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (CDC, 2018). Working in the public school systems for over three decades as an educator, school psychologist, and administrator, and being a parent of an individual with special needs, I understand special education law, programs, policies, and procedures.
I am convinced that the appropriate services and supports can mitigate the effects of disability and enable individuals with special needs to achieve their maximum level of sustainable independence as contributing, responsible, and equal participants of society. The mission of this website is to educate, equip, empower all who are affected by disability until our differences make no difference; all are welcome and seen as valuable members of society.
If you are interested in creating and developing an excellent special needs program in your faith community, school, or organization, you can contact me for more information. I provide comprehensive training on how to develop individuals with special needs of all ages spiritually, intellectually, social emotionally, vocationally, and physically. My passion is to see individuals with special needs be included in all aspects of the community. I am currently the International Training Coordinator for the Champions Club. For more information regarding the Champions Club, visit championsclub.org.